Digital Associate
Leo brings a range of experiences in digital organizing and campaign work, drawing on numerous distinct academic and professional endeavors. He is well-versed in deliberate communications that drive progress and motivate the people behind movements.
Leo’s dedicated political involvement began at the start of 2020 with protesting, volunteering for Democrats in neck-and-neck campaigns, and student-led digital journalism. Over the course of the next three years, he interned and worked for five different political endeavors in both field and digital positions across issue advocacy groups, think tanks, and Democratic campaigns for primary and general elections. Throughout, he volunteered for affordable housing groups and organized international students to advocate for recognition and accommodation.
Leo graduated from the University of Toronto with a major in Political Science and a double minor in American Studies and Rhetoric with special emphasis on U.S. politics in the digital era. He is motivated by advancing innovative and progressive solutions to modern problems, from redistributive basic income to ranked-choice voting. When not engaged in political endeavors, Leo enjoys philosophy, fantasy, and sci-fi, and playing with his dog and cat, Jude and Toby.